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Paret, Betty, First Harp Book

Price:   $9.99
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Availability:   4 Available

A staple of many harp teachers' beginner books, the first harp book is great for the young beginner. Can be used for either lever or pedal harp study. 37 pages.

from "Surprise" Symphony - Haydn, A Riddle, All through the Night, Barbara Allen, The Bluebells of Scotland, Cuckoo, Cradle-Song, Drink to Me Only, En Roulant, The Foggy Dew, Folk Song, Flowers in the Valley

German Dance Op. 33, No. 7 - Schubert, Hymn of Thanksgiving, Jardin d'Amour, The Jolly Peasant, The Judge's Dance, The Keel Row, The Keys of Heaven, Le Bon Petit Roi d'Yvetot, Leezie Lindsay, Long, Long Ago, Lavender's Blue, Lota, Night Song, O'Carolan's Air
Pussy Cat, Rocking, Russian Tune, Rondo, Rain Song, Swedish Folk Dance, Star Dance, Shepherd's Dance, Scale Snippets, Sur le Pont d'Avignon, Song of the Evening Bell, Waltz, Op.77 No.2 - Schubert, Wi' a Hundred Pipers, Wooden Shoe Dance, The Wonderful Inn


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